Saturday, 7 December 2013

Treatment For Endocrine Disorder In Kerala

The endocrine system will produce and release hormones which control functions of the body. It will mainly concentrate how the calories change take place in body, to convert those calories to energy that provide all the needed for the cells and organs. The endocrine system is also depended on the heart beats, bones and tissues growth etc. Endocrine system is very much depended on whether you are a diabetes patient. The endocrine disorders will lead to severe disorders like thyroid disease, hormone growth disorders, sexual dysfunction.  

Glands in Endocrine system:  

Adrenal glands: The glands that is seen above the kidney level which release the hormone cortisol.
Hypothalamus: These gland is a part of the lower middle brain which provide the signals when should pituitary gland to release hormones.
Islet cells in the pancreas: This particular glands will release insulin and glucagon.
Parathyroid: Glands that is required for the bone development.
Pineal gland: A gland that is linked to sleep patterns.
Pituitary gland: A gland behind the sinuses. Also called as master gland. It will influence thyroid glands. 
Testes: Male reproductive glands which will  produce sperms and sex hormones.
Thymus: Gland at upper chest which develop the body's immune system.
Thyroid: Gland that control the metabolism.

A small hiccup will affect the balance of hormones. It may lead to endocrine disorder.

Severe problem with the endocrine system
Failure of a gland 
Genetic disorders
Various infection
Failure of endocrine glands
Tumor on endocrine gland

Treatment of endocrine disorders is very complicated earlier days. Now it is easy to treat such problems by new methods, Best treatment are available for the problems. Silverline hospital is here for you !. We provide the best treatment for the endocrine disorders with the most moden equipments. 

For more details speak to our doctor

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