Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat. A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight. The most common measure of obesity is the body mass index, or BMI. A person is considered overweight if his or her BMI is between 25 and 29.9; a person is considered obese if his or her BMI is over 30. Obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories than he or she burns. For many people, this boils down to eating too much and exercising too little. But there are other factors that also play a role in obesity.
Factors that lead to obesity
1 Age
2 Gender
3. Genetics.
4 Environmental factors.
5 Physical activity.
5. Psychological factors.
6 Illness.
7 Poor Dieting
8 Lack of exercise
9 Toxins In Your Body
Weight loss surgery the best option
Weight-loss surgery, also called bariatric surgery, is an option. Weight-loss surgery offers the best chance of losing the most weight, but it can pose serious risks. Weight-loss surgery limits the amount of food you're able to comfortably eat or decreases the absorption of food and calories
The Common weight loss surgeries include
This is the favored weight-loss surgery in the United States because it has shown relatively good long-term results. In gastric bypass (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass), the surgeon creates a small pouch at the top of your stomach. The small intestine is then cut a short distance below the main stomach and connected to the new pouch.
- Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding
If you face problems related obesity silverline hospital is there for you. Over the past several years, Silverline has been treating thousands of overweight individuals successfully. Hospital is committed to novel methods of treatment & procedures for obesity that set standards. We are also dedicated to provide quality treatment and best post surgical care, at the same time we keep pace with the latest technology available to benefit our patients.
For mode details contact us
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