Saturday, 15 February 2014

Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery at Affordable Rate

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed to make the stomach smaller and help patients to reduce weight. Gastric sleeve surgery is suitable for people who are severely overweight and who have not been able to lose weight with diet, exercise, or medicine. With a smaller stomach, you will feel full a lot quicker than you are used to. This means that you will need to make big lifelong changes in how you eat-including smaller portion sizes and different foods-in order to lose weight.

Gastric Sleeve surgery is generally considered when your body mass index (BMI) is 40 or higher. Surgery may also be an option when your BMI is 35 or higher and you have a life-threatening or disabling problem that is related to your weight. It is important to think of this surgery as a tool to help you lose weight. It is not an instant fix. You will still need to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. This will help you reach your weight goal and avoid regaining the weight you lose.

How the surgery procedure works ??

Research has shown that people who have had a sleeve gastrectomy on average lose more than half of their excess weight. Success is higher for people who are realistic about how much weight will be lost and who keep appointments with the medical team, follow the recommended eating plan, and are physically active.


  • The method doesn't require the disconnection or reconnection of the intestinal portions.
  • The procedure is simpler and safer
  • Satisfaction with smaller portions of food
  • Less invasive than other bariatric surgeries
  • No risk of dumping syndrome
  • No foreign devices inserted

Recommendations after gastric sleeve surgery

  • Avoid high calorie beverages such as milk shakes, hot chocolate, soda drinks and similar. 
  • Eat small portions.  As the capacity of the stomach has changed, amount of food consumption should be reduced. 
  • No laying down after eating. The horizontal position will make more difficulty to reduce the weight. 
  • Do not eat and drink at the same time.
  • Completely mash food before swallowing. 
  • Get used to eating 5 times per day. 

It's important to remember that gastric sleeve surgical treatment really should not be viewed as an finish all cure for people who are struggling with their body weight. In order to get gastric bypass sleeve surgery a person needs top be considered obese to a point that their health is greatly impacted. This would be different dependent upon you height and weight. SilverLine Hospital is one of the best hospital in India who offers the gastric sleeve surgery at affordable rate.

Don't wait to reduce your weight. Consult the bariatric surgeon !!!

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